Dear Potential Student and Degree Finisher,
I want to tell you about Northern Arizona University.
This University has recently appeared on my good guys list. The tuition and fees are on the low to middle side. The selection of entirely online degrees is fantastic.
The online interface is extremely easy to use. Because it's user centric. They are focused on the user. Which means you. And that's what you want.
Do you want a job after you graduate? Hellsa Yes!
Check out Northern Arizona University. They will put you there.
Low cost - high value. Thumbs up.
Have you had it up to here with websites that ask you for all your
personal information just so you can get a smidgeon of information about supposed online degree opportunities?
Do you really want a solid online program that will be accepted by employers?
Fine. Enough. We all know that's what everybody wants.
Northern Arizona University passes all the smell tests. The tuition fees are NOT University of Phoenix style. UGGHHH!
In fact, it's rather decent with an average yearly net price of $12,000 to $20,000 (depends on your income, and if you can get an out of state tuition waiver).
That's about average for public colleges in the United States.
But the thing I really, really like about Northern Arizona University is the fact that they offer 90 luscious degree and certificate programs completely online. That's a lot, ladies!
Way more than average.
The most popular majors are business, marketing and management.
U.S. News and World Report ranks them very highly for their Physical Therapy program and high-middle for their Online Bachelor Degree programs.
Another thing I really admire about the Northern Arizona University Online degree website is they tell you right up front, on the very first page, how many credits you can transfer in to complete the degree. (Assuming you might be a transfer student.) That is incredibly useful and saves a ton of time trying to search deep into the website for that info. Some colleges don't even offer that information.
The fact that they even thought of doing that tells me something. They are concentrating on designing their programs and their internet user interface with YOU in mind. The student matters here.
Ok, here is the best part.
The average median salary for recent NAU graduates is $39,000. The average, yearly loan payment for Norther Arizona University students is $2,000.
That means on average, you will be paying about 5% of your salary towards your student loan after you graduate.
And the graduation rates are right smack dab in the middle at 49.1%. Phoenix U has an abysmal graduation rate of 4.1% to give you a comparison. Don't even, EVER, think about going there.
Norther Arizona University is doing it right. Their tuition is not out of line, they graduate students by the bucketful and you can count on low student debt and at least a middle of the road job when you finish.
We say, YAY! to Northern Arizona University.
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